
ARC is the branch focused on the study of aerospace applications. As the main introductory branch of AIAA UTD, members participate in semester-long engineering projects related to drones, aircraft, rockets, or wind turbines. This branch prioritizes underclassmen with little or no technical experience to become familiar with the engineering design process. ARC is divided into multiple small teams working on unique topics curated by project leaders. All teams are required to complete and present a deliverable of their topic by the end of the semester.


Josh Price

Josh Price

Avram Bingham

Avram Bingham

Clark Swartzfager



Aggressively Pursuing Aerospace Opportunity

© 2023, AIAA UTD.

This website is not an official publication of UT Dallas and does not represent the views of the university or its officers. The University of Texas at Dallas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University.